The innovation center
to build together
the society of the future 

Futurethinkers, Changemakers

We support the growth of the national economy and its territories, enhancing the development of new assets and solutions for the Intesa Sanpaolo Group and its clients, with the aim of accompanying the players of the real economy and of society on their journey towards the future. 

News of innovation

Solutions for Startups and Companies 

We offer dedicated solutions to accompany startups and companies on their business development and growth journey according to the criteria of open innovation and the circular economy. We provide an international ecosystem designed to match demand with supply. 

Listen to the

Listen to the startup protagonists’ first-hand
accounts of how their journey to growth
has been supported by us.

Listen to the

Listen to the startup protagonists’ first-hand
accounts of how their journey to growth
has been supported by us.

Listen to the

Listen to the startup protagonists’ first-hand
accounts of how their journey to growth
has been supported by us.

Listen to the

Listen to the startup protagonists’ first-hand
accounts of how their journey to growth
has been supported by us.

Listen to the

Listen to the startup protagonists’ first-hand
accounts of how their journey to growth
has been supported by us.

Listen to the

Listen to the startup protagonists’ first-hand
accounts of how their journey to growth
has been supported by us.

Listen to the

Listen to the companies accounts we supported in their journey to open innovation.

Listen to the

Listen to the companies accounts we supported in their journey to open innovation.

Listen to the

Listen to the companies accounts we supported in their journey to open innovation.

Listen to the

Listen to the companies accounts we supported in their journey to open innovation.

Startup Tales

The story of TimeFlow, the first IT skills marketplace in the world that aiming to globalize the business

Image of Startup Genome Report Image of Startup Genome Report

Presented in London the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2024

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo collaborated with Startup Genome to outline the profile of the Turin ecosystem, with significantly improved results

Our network

The caliber of our partners enhances the quality of our solution to your innovation needs.

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