Innovation Center: 
the frontier of innovation

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is the company of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group dedicated to the frontier of innovation. It explores future trends and scenarios, develops multidisciplinary applied research projects, supports startups, accelerates business transformation for companies according to the criteria of open innovation and the circular economy, facilitates the development of innovative ecosystems and disseminates innovation culture, in order to make Intesa Sanpaolo the driving force behind a better informed, inclusive and sustainable economy. 


Knowing how to look far ahead and outside the box is essential for innovation experts. In order to be “futureproof” an organizational machine needs to be built with tools which help make innovative and sometimes visionary ideas concrete. Although innovation is not a linear and predictable process, it still needs the planning, reporting and evaluation of its performance. To do this, we adopt an approach based on vision and concreteness, observing both the short term and long term impacts, this approach helps us to select from the myriad of stimuli which land on our working tables, and to stay focused on the priorities and enhance the potential inherent in the projects. 

Areas of activity

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Frontier trends
and scenarios

We explore change and innovation macro trends in order to share new areas of development and business opportunities with our clients and stakeholders.

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Frontier trends and scenarios
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Applied Research

We develop multidisciplinary research projects in our Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience laboratories, where we work together with teams of researchers who have been selected at international level. Our aim is to transfer new competences to the Intesa Sanpaolo Group and its clients. 

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Applied Research
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Startup Development

We develop specific initiatives to identify and grow very high potential startups, such as the creation of territorial ecosystems, international acceleration and scale-up paths and new financing solutions in collaboration with NEVA SGR.

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Startup Development
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Innovation support for companies 

We facilitate SMEs and large international groups in accessing hi-tech solutions, to support their competitiveness and the transition to better informed business logic also regarding social and environmental aspects.

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Innovation support for companies
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Circular Economy
for companies

We support the activities of the Group and of companies on their transformation journey towards circular models and new supply chain logic, also in terms of financial de-risking.  

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Circular Economy for companies
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Development of innovative ecosystems 

We foster the development of innovative ecosystems, developing and coordinating the network of realationship with companies, incubators, research centers, universities and other national and international institutions. 

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Development of innovative ecosystems
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Innovation culture

We promote innovation culture through initiatives, events and educational formats, with the aim of raising awareness of the challenges of the future and of building the competences to face them and exploit their opportunities. 

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Innovation culture dissemination


Our story


In 2014 the innovation center, today Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, took its first steps, becoming over time a company with a clear identity and purpose, which we live with commitment and enthusiasm every single day.

Corporate Governance Structures

Paola Angeletti

Vice Chairman
Paolo Mulassano

Members of Board
Silvia Botto, Francesca Culasso, Stefano Del Punta, Silvio Fraternali, Paolo Maria Vittorio Grandi, Maurizio Montagnese, Cristina Motta, Angela Tucci, Veronica Vecchi

General Manager
Viviana Bacigalupo

Board of Auditors & Supervisory Body 231
Emilio Tosi
Permanent Auditors
Eugenio Braja, Donatella Vigna
Substitute Auditors
Patrizia Marchetti, Claudia Motta

Reports to OdV 231:

Auditing Firm
EY S.p.A.


The venture capital subsidiary of Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo


NEVA SGR, an Intesa Sanpaolo group subsidiary 100% controlled by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, was set up with the mission of working alongside investors in the opportunity- rich world of Venture Capital. 

Relying on the resources and know-how of a great group, the NEVA SGR professionals can monitor global trends, seeking out the excellences on the Italian and international scene.

NEVA SGR has already activated two funds operating in different markets: the Neva First and Neva First Italia funds.

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