Businesses and ecosystems together to generate value

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center provides companies participating in the Corporate Innovation Network with a series of exclusive services: expertises, assets and its network of relationships to provide concrete support in the field of innovation and the circular economy.  

The advantages of being part of the Corporate Innovation Network


benefitting from the Italian and international our network, as well as the relationships with all the other member companies, fostering the realization of shared innovation projects


dedicated innovation managers and industrial experts at your disposal

Brand awarness

benefitting from the Intesa Sanpaolo Group positioning on the Italian and international innovation landscape

The services offered

Privileged access to innovative ecosystems

  • Deal Flow: privileged access for the Company to finalist startups and exclusive access to the top 50 pre-assessed during the Innovation Center and Partners acceleration programs 
  • Mentorship: Involvement of management in the mentorship phase in the Innovation Center and partners startup competitions 
  • Demo Day: Company participation in the new technologies Demo Days organized by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and its partners 
  • Media Coverage 
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Open innovation services

  • Tech Scouting / Circular Economy Open Innovation: tech scouting on specific technologies/geographical areas of interest to the company through access to international partner deal flows 
  • Innovation News : free subscription for 1 year 
  • Trend Report: 1 year free download (industry/tech coverage: Automotive / Energy / AgriTech, Food & Beverage / Smart Cities / TLC)
  • Events: participation of the Company in events promoted/organized by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center exclusive to the Network 
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