The “Circular Water 4 healthcare” call is now underway

14 November 2023
Innovation Center, Circular Economy, Startup Development, Innovation, Call, startup

Thanks to the circular economy paradigm, in addition to the irrigation reuse of water, it is possible to sustainably recover material and energy resources contained in waste water, valorising what is currently considered waste.

To respond to this need, Circular Water 4 Healthcare was born, the circular open innovation project promoted by SYNLAB and Bracco, in partnership with IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital – Sant'Ambrogio (San Donato Group), in the context of Federated Innovation @MIND, and created from the Circular Economy Lab - an initiative of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and Cariplo Factory. This initiative in fact has the objective of defining a scalable and replicable best practice for the recovery, in particular, of contrast liquids and the management of hospital wastewater, through the implementation of processes that can become a model of innovation for the sector Italian and international healthcare, as well as for legislators and technological partners, in the management of hospital and laboratory wastewater.

locandina call4circular water locandina call4circular water


The Call4Circular | Circular Water 4 Healthcare is aimed at innovative startups and SMEs, of Italian and international origin, with the aim of selecting technologies for the circular management of water resources in hospital facilities.


Applications are open until December 22nd.