Trailer Kickoff

The new edition of the Torino Cities of the Future Techstars 2023 acceleration program was launched on February 13, which selected 11 European startups from 326 applications from different countries. The participating startups offer innovative technological solutions in various sectors, going beyond Smart Mobility, a privileged area in the past.

Indeed, this year's class includes startups active in supply chain management, such as Sirius (Netherlands) and Sorair (UK), HR startups, including Wibo and Pak (Italy), companies in the sector ed-tech such as Tutornow (Italy) and Intuitivo (Portugal). This year's class also includes two startups focused on Smart Mobility: Automatika Robot (France) and Artificient (Germany). In addition, Heloola (Italy), a company in the digital media sector, Emphety (Italy), a startup dealing with social responsibility, and Preflet (Portugal), active in the energy sector, have joined.