Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center at Milano Digital Week 2023 with "Circular Dialogues"
A review of seven meetings, on demand and in live streaming, with Italian and international speakers and experts who will explore from different perspectives the possible synergies between digital transformation and circular economy.
From Thursday 5 to Monday 9 October 2023 returns Milano Digital Week, the largest Italian event dedicated to culture, digital innovation and education - promoted by the Municipality of Milan and realized by IAB Italia, Cariplo Factory and Hublab under the patronage of Fondazione Cariplo - with the aim of enhancing experiences and approaches to new technologies of the production system, the academic world and citizens.
After generating a million participants in over 2,500 appointments (physical and digital) of its five editions, in continuity with last year the title of the Milano Digital Week 2023 is "The development of limits". The common thread which unites the more than 350 hybrid events scheduled.Social, environmental and cultural limits with impact on growth and development prospects, subject of reflections launched in 2022 to investigate the changing paradigms and solutions to navigate the perimeters imposed by global emergencies.
The thematic poles of the event - object of comparison between citizens, startups, universities and institutions to develop new visions in continuity with its desire for inclusion and participation - are seven: from work to the future of training through the environment, health, circular economy and services to citizens, up to new forms of art.
Context in which fit the “Circular Dialogues”: initiative organized by Cariplo Factory, Fondazione Silvio Tronchetti Provera and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, with the support of the Circular Economy Lab and the patronage of Fondazione Cariplo.
A review of seven meetings - hybrid and on demand - to explore the possible synergies between digital transformation and circular economy from a financial and regulatory point of view, as well as the industrial and Open Innovation thanks to the contribution of speakers and experts - Italian and international - from the academic, entrepreneurial and institutional worlds.
The onboarding of the speakers was also curated by the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, in addition to support for communication and dissemination of events available in live streaming and on demand, after registration on the dedicated pages

The program of the "Circular Dialogues"
The "Circular Dialogues" will open with the talk “Il digitale per la trasformazione circolare”, available on demand to allow all interested parties to view it. A two-voice dialogue that will deepen the digital aspects of the green transition: from the digital passport of product to the importance of optimizing the models for the circular economy and monitoring of resources through IoT and collaborative platforms.
The review will continue on October 5 at 11:30 am in live streaming with the meeting "Il ruolo delle istituzioni nel processo di trasformazione circolare”, aimed at deepening the strategies and impacts of circular transformation adopted by companies through dedicated incentives and EU directives. A process that involves new challenges to face and market opportunities to explore through digital innovation.
From 4.00 pm the Arena Cariplo Factory located in via Bergognone 34 (Milan) will host the hybrid debate "Finanza circolare - il costo della trasformazione e gli strumenti finanziari per sostenerlo" with the partecipation of Luigi Riccardo Eugenio, Head of Circular Economy Desk Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center. The meeting will focus on the crucial role of finance in the transformation towards the circular economy through cost analysis and financial implications. In addition, an overview of the dedicated financial resources will be provided by analysing the NRPV initiatives to promote the circular economy.
The review will resume Friday, October 6 at 10.00 at the headquarters of Bovisa Politecnico di Milano with the hybrid talk "Education, reskilling & talent retention - le nuove competenze in ambito innovazione circolare e sostenibilità". The event will address the complexity of research and networking and talent focusing on emerging skills in the field of sustainability and the circular economy, as well as delving into the reskilling/upskillingin corporate scope to develop mindset and circular skills.
Then, from 2.30 pm, the Joule room of Cariplo Factory will host the panel "Sfide circolari del segmento industriale". A reflection on the challenges of the circular industry in fashion, energy and bio-materials such as the shortage of raw materials and the importance of new materials and circular design to mitigate the problem, addressing also the need to separate profits and exploitation of natural resources with ethical and sustainable business models.
At 16.00 in the same venue will take place the startup contest "Disruptive enabling solutions - Le risposte delle startup alla crisi dei materiali". The event will allow the startups Demetra and Enerbrain (energy) Tomapaint, Relicta and Krill Design (packaging), Rifò and Lebiu (fashion) to share their solutions to address new industrial challenges, in front of a jury composed of qualified experts who will appoint the winning reality.
The review will close with the fireside chat on demand "L’Intelligenza Artificiale come strumento per favorire la transizione circolare". A dialogue that will explore the role of Artificial Intelligence as a catalyst capable of accelerating and enhancing the circular transition through data analysis, automation, optimized resource allocation and predictive analysis.
The Meetings - The Circular Dialogues