Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center partecipates to the Open Innovation Summit 2023

5 July 2023
Innovation Center, Open Innovation

The annual event brought together key players to discuss the ethical challenges of innovation

The Open Innovation Summit 2023 was held on Friday, June 30th, and Saturday, July 1st, providing an annual platform dedicated to ethics within the world of innovation. The event, organized by Digital Magics in collaboration with 24 ORE Eventi, offered an opportunity to discuss the ethical challenges in the field of new technologies and innovation, facilitating a dialogue among primary actors in the Italian innovation landscape such as Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and the Group in general.

The two days of meetings, focused on industrial technological humanism, represented an opportunity for dialogue with Institutions, Businesses, Researchers, and the Academic World. The event explored emerging ethical challenges in the context of innovation and outlined solutions aimed at promoting responsible and sustainable development.

Locandina dell'Open Innovation Summit 2023 Locandina dell'Open Innovation Summit 2023

New trends and future developments of Innovation

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center contributed to the discussion on the second day. Within the panel "Open Finance, the winning alliance between the financial world and innovative companies," Alessandro BalboniHead of Innovation Business Development at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, along with other high-profile speakers, addressed the key tech trends that are redefining corporate strategies, including open innovation, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and open finance. The debate took place in front of a selected audience consisting of innovative startups, business representatives, and investment funds.

The Open Innovation Summit 2023 was not just a discussion event but a tangible opportunity for active participation from startups and industry leaders. Various formats were employed during the two days, ranging from fully digital appointments through the Interactive 24 and Live Streaming 24 platforms to Live Events held at physical locations. The hybrid Live&Digital solutions allowed for maximizing audience and guest engagement by combining virtual and physical elements to create an immersive and interactive experience.

The Open Innovation Summit 2023 concluded successfully, leaving a significant mark on the landscape of ethical innovation in the technological world. The discussions and exchange of ideas among participants contributed to promoting a vision of innovation that places ethics at the center of decisions and actions, ensuring responsible and sustainable development.