New report X-PLORE Spacetech: the space seen from the Innovation Center
The new publication offers an updated overview of the Italian space sector, with particular attention to emerging applications and new industrial and commercial realities.
The first part of the report describes the Italian aerospace ecosystem, placing it in the context of the European and international market and providing the essential elements for understanding its complexity and value.
The second part analyzes the six typically space technological and application domains: from the strategic sector of access to space to human and robotic exploration, from satellite technologies to their applications for telecommunications, navigation and Earth observation services.

The third and last part illustrates the synergies with other industrial sectors, both in terms of direct technology transfer (spin-off and spin-in), and for types of services and transversal applications enabled by space infrastructures.
What emerges is a complex and dynamic scenario, which represents an essential element for the development of our country, in a perspective of economic and environmental sustainability.