Startcup: students at the innovation lesson
A fundamental part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center mission is to foster the development of ecosystems through collaboration with universities and other stakeholders. Spreading knowledge and culture of innovation is also one of the goals of our company.
It is in this setting that the event of last July 11 on the 31st floor of the skyscraper is framed: a dedicated company visit, in which about twenty students of the University of Bergamo were able to follow speeches on the themes of financing and the growth of startups and on the Circular Economy, as well as live testimonials from some startuppers.
The day is part of Start Cup Bergamo, the entrepreneurial training and development of highly innovative business ideas project of the University of Bergamo, supported by Intesa Sanpaolo through the Relations with University and School structure.
Here are some excerpts from student testimonials
CARLOS, 1st YEAR OF THE DEGREE COURSE IN COMMUNICATION FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIETY:“I am happy that a bank like Intesa Sanpaolo is looking after the future of young people (...) Going abroad to experience new realities is essential to broaden your horizons and create more opportunities.”
ELISA, 3rd YEAR OF THE DEGREE COURSE IN COMMUNICATION FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIETY:“During my studies, I found the interventions of subjects who have had an experience interesting. (…) Even if one day I don't have to do the job I studied for, I will still have treasured the things I learned, useful even in non-strictly professional contexts. (...) I did not know the Innovation Center and for me it was a pleasant surprise.”
NAVERA, 4th YEAR HIGH SCHOOL HUMAN SCIENCES - ECONOMIC SOCIAL:“I was struck by the testimonials of the startups, who taught me that when you start you don't have to be specialized. (...) The entrepreneur is not the one who has a brilliant idea. (…) These meetings were illuminating above all in order not to fall into obvious prejudices and errors.”.
Pictures of the day