Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center at Expo Dubai 2020 for companies interested in the Emiratin market
1 June 2022
Meetings to promote discussion on innovative issues and business opportunities
Between December 2021 and March '22 Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center participated in 3 events at Innovation House @Dubai Expo 2020, co-organized by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, PoliMI, Regione Lombardia and SVA Group, with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo Dubai Branches and Abu Dhabi - IMI CIB Division.
In the setting of Expo2020, Innovation House has played the role of a platform for disseminating the culture of innovation and business origination for Italian and international companies interested in the Emirate market.

The three meetings at the Innovation House
- From Sustainable to Impact Finance (8 December 2021). Event that saw the participation of keynote speakers from the university, financial and institutional world operating on ESG issues. During the meeting, sustainable finance, impact finance and the Circular Economy were discussed with the aim of presenting the opportunities offered by the adoption of these principles and sharing success stories and best practices through direct testimonials to entrepreneurs, funds and institutions.
- The Future of Agri & Food at Innovation House (22,23 February 2022). Match-making event held on the occasion of the Expo week dedicated to Food, Agriculture & Livelihoods to bring together the best Israeli technologies Agri & Food Tech with commercial operators from the UAE. The goal was to promote international relations between Italian companies and corporations with the Emirate and international world, offering training and information content and business meetings, in line with the positioning, internationalization and technological development objectives of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and the Group.
- Investor Day at Innovation House (28.29 March 2022): matching initiative focused on two of Dubai’s strategic ecosystem sectors: Smart City and Media & Entertainment. Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center organized a B2B session that featured the startups of the IMMEDIATE Program of the RS Productions network, together with a selection of startups from the Techstars network of the Turin Cities of the Future Program and UAE corporate and investors.