The NS Lab Seminar | Prenditi cura di te is part of a series of events which aim to illustrate and disseminate the evolution of the research conducted by the Neuroscience Lab of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center.
The seminar, organized by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, is scheduled via remote connection on Tuesday July 5th at 13.30-14.30. The event will be held in Italian.
Taking care of yourself does not mean locking yourself up in a tower but putting your hand to our relational skills and making them grow to become the most beautiful version of ourselves possible.
Musso Oreglia, after having obtained her master's degree at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, becomes a family mediator accompanying couples and families in crisis towards a good management of the conflict. She also makes her skills as a consultant in sexology and counselor available to her clients, also collaborating with associations and companies that deal with the well-being of relationships with attention to the figure of women. You are a member of the regional coordination of the CNCP (National Coordination of Professional Counselors) for Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta. Since 2020 you have started an online workshop-relational training experience to offer ideas for relationship training.